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Audio X-pn-realaudio-plugin For Mac

카테고리 없음

by wealthbuddhakab1977 2020. 3. 11. 05:28


Security Analytics Platform Reference Guide Identifiable File and MIME Types The Blue Coat Security Analytics Platform can identify and extract a large number of application files and artifacts within those files. The table below identifies the currently identifiable MIME types.

Audio X-pn-realaudio-plugin For Mac Os


Due to factors beyond our control (such as licensing and encryption) the system can identify many more MIME types than it can currently extract. Blue Coat is continually updating and expanding these lists. Specify which method the extractor uses to display the file type of an artifact on Account Name Preferences. ● Artifact MIME-Type Display — Specify how the file type is displayed in the Type column on the Extractions page: ○ MIME — Use the value in the Content-Type field of the HTTP or email header, else return unknown. ○ Magic — Use the embedded magic number or file signature, else return unknown.

Audio x-pn-realaudio-plugin for mac

○ Derived — If both MIME and magic values are present, use internal logic to determine the most likely file type.